Installing Eclipse Luna on Ubuntu

I wrote this a few years ago and am mainly posting it for testing and my own reference. I’ll probably update it eventually.

Download and extract eclipse. It should be in your downloads folder with the name eclipse-cpp-luna-SR1a-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

Steps and Notes: Terminal Commands:
Update Repositories sudo apt-get update
Install Java sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
Change to user directory cd ~
Move eclipse package to /opt directory sudo mv Downloads/eclipse-cpp-luna-SR1a-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz /opt/
Change to /opt directory cd /opt
Unzip the eclipse package sudo tar -xvf eclipse-cpp-luna-SR1a-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
Create a desktop entry: cd ~/../../usr/share/applications
Create a file called eclipse.desktop in the applications directory. sudo touch eclipse.desktop

Edit the file; if vim is not already installed, you may need to type:
sudo apt-get-install vim to install it.

sudo vim eclipse.desktop
Type i, which is the insert key and will allow you to begin typing into your file. i
 File Contents:

[Desktop Entry]

Comment=Integrated Development Environment

Hit the escape key, then w (write), then (quit), and hit enter/return.


Install the desktop file.

Failure to include the [Desktop Entry] group header at the top of the eclipse.desktop file will cause this command to give the error message: Error on file “eclipse.desktop”: Key file does not start with a group 

sudo desktop-file-install eclipse.desktop

Eclipse is now installed.


More on desktop entries.

More on desktop-file-install.

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